The eSilver Tour project gathers 6 partners from 5 European countries: France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Lithuania. Partnership has been formed based on partners’ expertise facing the main objectives defined for the eSilver Tour and considering the specific know-how and experience required.

E-SENIORS (Paris, France)
Coordinator and main contact point. E-Seniors aims at fighting e-exclusion by providing access to and training in ICT to seniors and/or disabled people. Its main objectives are to bridge the digital gap between generations; to foster seniors’ social participation; to propose activities encouraging seniors to spend actively their free time. Main responsibilities in the project: project coordination and leadership in the development of the Professional Profile of the eSilver Tourism Expert.

EOLAS S.L. (Badajoz, Spain)
Offers services and support to enterprises, organisations and entities for a wide range of demands and needs from support for projects, business development and consulting to innovation. The organisation has developed its own methodologies for quality management, project management, impact evaluation and exploitation strategy development. Main responsibilities in the project: project evaluation & quality assurance.

Aidlearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos Lda. (Lisbon, Portugal)
Aims for contributing to a better qualification of Portuguese HR by building up a learning organisation concerned with the equality of opportunities, providing quality and innovative services targeted to actual needs of organisations and individuals, and by internally developing a strong commitment and team working. Main responsibilities in the project: development of the e-learning platform.

Kaunas STP (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Aims to increase the competitiveness of tech businesses globally by providing the highest-level innovation support services, making efficient use of the resources of innovation ecosystem, developing the community of innovative businesses and fostering innovation culture. Main responsibilities in the project: project dissemination activities.

Confederação do Turismo de Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal)
Is the umbrella organization for tourism business associations, bringing together all business associations in tourism. It is national in scope and covers federations, unions and associations of the tourism business sector. Main responsibilities in the project: project exploitation activities.

50 + HELLAS (Athens, Greece)
Aims to improve the quality of life of those over 50 years of age in Greece, within a more equal society and through actions and activities affecting all aspects of life. In cooperation with other social partners, it supports and promotes the rights of older people to equal treatment in society. Main responsibilities in the project: leadership in the development of B-Learning Content and piloting testing if project results.